This is an application that lets user save Item and Vehicle Location. User can create an account and save the data on the cloud. It can also save current coordinates and navigate back to them using Google Maps.

This app is available on Google Play Store and as a Standalone Website.

Notomatic is a note sharing website. This is designed for universal use. Any school or college can take the basic structure and add in their own notes. Students can also add in their own notes by filling a form. These forms would be shared to the their respective heads who further on would work upon checking the quality and worthiness of these notes.
Notomatic Link Notomatic GitHub
This is my portfolio website. I made it as a free time project. Here you can explore a collection of my work and immerse yourself in the world of creativity and innovation. This website serves as a showcase of my skills, expertise, and passion for Web Development. I started working on this to improve my Web Development skills.
Tarloic Home Tarloic GitHub
Recruitment Portal
Created a Recruitment Portal for the college club Next Gen AI. It is made using Django, HTML, CSS and JS. It has cloud storage support using PostgreSQL. It has features such as Admin Panel, User Panel, and User Registration. It also has a feature of exporting all the input data to a CSV file. It uses Neon Tech as the Online Database.
Recruitment Portal Link Recruitment Portal GitHub
Alumni Nexus
This project works as Alumni Management System and has Postgresql and Cloud Database Support. It is made using Django and HTML, CSS, JS. It has features such as Alumni Registration and allows user to check data of other Alumni.
Alumni Nexus Link Alumni Nexus GitHub
Safest Path
This website uses criminal dataset and finds the route with lower crime rates. Seamlessly integrating with maps, it guides users along secure paths, minimizing risks and ensuring a worry-free commute. It adds in features such as Walk Mode.
Safest Path Link Safest Path GitHub
Chikitsak AI
This Django-based website serves as a platform to assess medical issues, providing information on both the problem and the corresponding medicine along with its conditions. Drawing from a dataset, it delivers results for various health concerns.
Chikitsak AI Link Chikitsak AI GitHub